Thursday, January 24, 2008

The shelter that kicks 'em out for saying "these people"

He had been staying at the Sheridan Community Shelter for a couple of weeks.
He was a veteran, just shy of middle age.
He had worked on ranches most of his life, and almost immediately got a job on a ranch in the county.
He was such a quiet person, and was away at work so much, that he was not noticed that much by the other shelter residents. He kept to himself, followed the rules, and was working toward self-sufficiency.
Veterans at the Sheridan Community Shelter are allowed to stay up to two years. His time was foreshortened.
Here is why:
In casual conversation with the shelter director, he said, as reported by the director, “I know what these people are like. I am not like them.”
The director replied, “Pack your bags.”
No warning. No comment that his words could possibly be considered offensive in any way. Just, “Pack your bags.”

And she wonders to this day why residents seize up when she asks to see them in her office!

Stunned and stung by this sudden reversal thrown at him, the resident said as he left, "I sure don't have any bad feelings about this place. I would like to make a donation as soon as I can." Nice guy.
Me? I stood there working on my ulcer.

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