Saturday, January 19, 2008

Another nudge in the ribs for shelter oversight

In my weekly church page column in The Sheridan Press, today, I continued my nudging of the ribs of VOA's shelter featuring poor treatment of its residents. We need to remember that homelessness is the enemy, even though boards and administrators don't help matters by looking the other way.
Here is that part of the column, in the context of Christian unity:

"Even my frothy-mouthed confrontation with Volunteers of America’s poor treatment of the poor at the shelter is not, in the end, for the purpose of one destroying the other, but in ensuring that the dignity of each and of any is held as high as possible as they are cared for.
"Obviously, we have different perspectives. I think they are wrong and mean-spirited, and they think I am a dork who should have called the whistle-blower number. But still, there are people on that other team whom I admire and with whom I am tied by the unseverable bond of faith.
"So, we even poke one another in the eye as brethren. Some day there might even be a celebration of our unity, after I am done being offended and they quit treating the homeless at the shelter like kindergartners. Probably not today, though."

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