Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sanctity of life flows through all the moments of every person.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, pro-lifers have scheduled a silent memorial to the children lost since Roe Vs Wade (35 years ago). I will be there, not as a protest, but as a testament to life.
Those of us who recognize the sanctity of life from the cradle to the grave must recognize that poor persons, weak persons and homeless persons share fully this sanctity.
Our acknowledgement of the worth and nobility inherent in each person brings with it a responsibility for a continuous stream of care that flows through all the moments of every person.
We do not, then, turn away because a person is difficult, angry, fails to meet our expectations, relapses into addiction, or falls back into a cycle of failure. We are expected to be patient, relentless and care-free in our caring. We cannot let our disappointments stop us from giving, or kink the hose of our graciousness. Freely we give. Fully we love.

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