Friday, April 4, 2008

Senator Enzi Responds To My Letter

On March 6, I posted here a letter written to the Veterans Affairs contact office for a large grant the Volunteers of America Sheridan Community Homeless Shelter gets each year, even though VOA fails to address itself to the expectations of the grant.
This letter caused enough of a ruckus at the main office, behind Wendy’s, that the organization thought it prudent to ban me from setting foot on any of their properties.

On March 12, I posted a letter I sent to U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo), requesting he do what he could in light of my concerns.

Here is Senator Enzi’s response to my letter, which was postmarked yesterday and received today:

“Dear Tim,

“Thank you for your recent letter concerning your complaints against the Volunteers of America Wyoming-Montana operation of the Sheridan Community Shelter. I appreciate hearing from you.
“In an effort to be of every possible assistance to you, I have contacted the Department of Veterans Affairs asking that they review the situation you described. As soon as they have responded to me, I will be in touch with you again.
“Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be of service to you.
“Michael B. Enzi
“United States Senator”

I appreciate the Senator’s responsiveness.

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