Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Backward Look O'er Traveled Roads (Thank You, Walt Whitman!)

Blogs are a little difficult to read. As much as it makes sense to place the most recent post at the top, it also makes sense to read things from the beginning. As you scroll down some of my old posts, you run into “Part II” of something first, and then “Part I” underneath it.
With this difficulty in mind, I thought it would be a good time to review what has transpired in this blog since it began on January 17.
We have found much amiss at the homeless shelter, mostly due to the authoritarian and dictatorial ways of the director. The presence of cruelty where compassion ought to be is the main reason I started asking the Volunteers of America Wyoming-Montana Board to set up some measures for accountability and quality of care at the shelter. These seem very rational requests, but for some reason VOA refuses to look at its problem. They instead choose to make me the problem.
Here is a list of the problems pointed out in this “Shelter Happens” blog:

· The shelter condescends to residents, and operates on a control-by-fear premise.
· The shelter further dis-empowers vulnerable people, treating them poorly and unfairly.
· The shelter fails to uphold the dignity and respect due every individual.
· The shelter unreasonably placed a needy Sheridan resident on its “not-welcome-back” list.
· A veteran was kicked out for saying, “I know what these people are like. I’m not like them.”
· Last August, the shelter sent at least four dump-trucks full of donations to the landfill.
· A resident who got a job on his first day the shelter was later kicked out for being too chipper in the morning, and landing a good deal on a rare motorcycle. I know. It doesn’t make sense to me either.

Well, that’s just from January. I will revisit February soon. Even these seven show that there is some kind of problem (or freak show) at the shelter. There’s more in Feburary, and of course this month … and more stories not yet written. Stay tuned, as they say.

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