Monday, February 11, 2008

Hoping That, As I Hurl Eggs, None Gets On WySTAR

Of course, I haven’t been very complimentary to the Volunteers of American Wyoming-Montana mis-administrators and the malanthropic tendencies of the overlord at the homeless shelter.
I am duty-bound by my conscience and my faith to call out the abuses of the needy and the abusers. The abusers don’t seem duty-bound to do anything about it, so I play my little trumpet as best as I can.
It may seem strange, then, that today I added a link to WySTAR, Wyoming Substance Abuse and Recovery Center, located in Sheridan.
When you click on the link, you are taken to a Volunteers of American website! I know! Weird, isn’t it?
As an organization, WySTAR just recently moved under the umbrella of Volunteers of America. I hope WySTAR can stay out of the rain. I fear this move may have doubled the reputation of VOA, but halved that of WySTAR.
I am familiar with WySTAR as an effective program. I am familiar with some of its staff (some of the best people I know, including Mark, Beth and Pam). I am also familiar with some of their clients, current, pending and past. I have nothing but good to say about WySTAR, and I hope that my deepest concerns about the failures at the homeless shelter and my offense taken by the smug and self-congratulatory management will not in any way be construed as being aimed anywhere else – particularly, not at WySTAR.

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