Thursday, February 28, 2008

Shelter Tolerates Only Perfect Guests

If you were to be of enough bad fortune that you had to stay at the Sheridan Community Homeless Shelter, you would sign an intake document that states that you will abide by the rules in the “Rules and Guidelines.”
This, of course, does not make you safe from the random reasons that the director and staff will come up with to manipulate you or kick you out. It does, however, obligate you to become a perfect guest.
Regardless of your past experience, regardless of some organizational flaws in your life, regardless of the rolls and pitches of everyday life, and regardless of the already too-stressful circumstances that have rendered you homeless, you will adhere to the rules or you will be asked to leave.
What is wanted at this shelter is 30 to 35 perfect homeless guests with no discernible issues that need to be addressed, no behavioral irregularities, and no noticeable emotional scars or mental illnesses. If you are not such a one, you will be better off elsewhere.

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